We have the valuation expertise, experience, resources and capability to handle assignments of virtually every type, size and complexity for use in support of litigation, financing, taxation, or business and government decision making, involving everything from a single family dwelling to large scale, unusual, or especially complex assignments involving multifamily, retail, office, industrial, hotel, food & beverage, and mixed use or unique special purpose properties requiring the expertise of an MAI designated appraiser.Valuation
Sound real estate decisions result when reasoned, insightful analysis is applied to accurate information. We are skilled at and employ the most up to date and progressive analytical techniques to assist and support real estate decision making. Consulting
Underutilized or under-performing properties can pose daunting challenges, but also represent remarkable opportunities. When the requirement is to determine what to do and how best to do it, advice from a skilled Real Estate Counselor can not only provide strategies to capture latent opportunities or solutions for complex real estate problems, but also help to unlock dormant wealth from idle assets. Familiarity with Tax laws enables us to communicate and work closely with financial advisors to achieve client financial objectives. Advisory Services
When implementing plans and strategies, the assistance of a seasoned professional can often enhance the likelihood of success. Transaction Services
Governments engage in more real estate transactions and control property portfolios that are larger and more diverse than most business enterprises.Strategically managing public sector property assets can not only enhance operational efficiency and reduce costs, but also help to realize economic & community development goals and improve citizens' quality of life. Real Estate decision making in the public sector differs materially from that in the private sector and is frequently ad hoc rather than strategic, often leaving officials and the public wondering whether properties are being optimally deployed, or whether a transaction represents a "good deal" or the best value possible. With experience serving governments worldwide, we have developed a full range of services and a comprehensive approach to optimize the utility, productivity and value of real estate assets and personnel and their contribution to achieving economic & community development goals. Services for Governments & Non-Profits