Select International Assignments

Republic of Serbia - Municipal Economic Growth Activity                          


This project earned Hentschel the prestigious James Felt Creative Counseling Award for innovation, ingenuity, creativity, and creation of public and social benefits. Hentschel helped local Serbian governments foster economic growth and employment by redeveloping and reusing approximately 450 well located surplus military properties. To resolve a complicated and protracted stalemate between the Military and Municipalities concerning the properties that had been exacerbated by redundant and conflicting bureaucracies, Hentschel forged coalitions among multiple Ministry leaders, challenging all stakeholders to think creatively. Hentschel crafted an innovative “Win-Win” model to expand national wealth that advocated cooperation between national and local governments; coupled the interests of the Military and Municipalities to create a consensus; leveraged resources; recommended methods to enhance the value of the surplus military properties; cultivated private capital investment for their economic and physical redevelopment; and devised and conducted training for national and local government officials to replace outdated legacy techniques with contemporary valuation best practices in use worldwide as the country transitioned from a centrally planned economy to market based asset pricing.

Republic of Serbia -  Adviser to Serbian Central Bank 


Hentschel was commissioned to provide advice and guidance to the National Bank of Serbia, the country's Central Bank, to develop professional standards based on best practices in other countries worldwide for the oversight of real estate appraisers and brokers, as well as devise accurate, transparent collateral valuation systems for use by Serbian financial institutions. Hentschel challenged leaders of Serbia's Central Bank to exercise assertive leadership and  serve as a catalyst for innovation by recommending strategies to create and amass a centralized accessible data base containing accurate market and transactional data and facilitate the orderly development of the emerging Serbian real estate market.

Republic of Egypt - Government Property Asset & Portfolio Management 


Hentschel was part of an international team of experts engaged by the World Bank to examine and opine about ways to apply international best practices to the process of making and implementing decisions concerning the acquisition, operation, and disposition of real estate assets owned by the central government or by state-owned enterprises to assist the nation of Egypt realize the full economic, and social potential of its real estate assets.

Republic of Moldova - Cities of Chisinau, Ungheni, and Cricova


Hentschel was commissioned to provide advice and guidance to cities within this former republic of the Soviet Union concerning how  to optimize the utility, productivity, deployment and value of the real estate assets owned by local governments and state owned enterprises by adopting and implementing contemporary municipal asset management policies and best practices for the benefit of the general public, to attain community development goals, and to foster their economic revival.

Republic of Croatia - Real Estate Asset Management for Governments 

Hentschel provided advice and guidance to the Croatian cities of Rijeka, Karlovac, Osijek, and Sibenic concerning how to optimize the utility, productivity, deployment and value of the real estate assets owned by local governments by adopting and implementing contemporary municipal asset management policies and best practices for the benefit of the general public, to attain community development goals, and to foster their economic vitality.  He developed and conducted a training program as part of the USAID sponsored Croatian Mayors Fact Finding Mission to the U.S.A. 

IVSC - Development of Public Sector Property Valuation Standards 

John J. Hentschel CRE, MAI, FRICS was named to an eight member panel of international experts assembled  from the USA, Russia, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and Slovenia to advise and assist the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) with the development of standards and guidance to facilitate the uniform and accurate valuation of specialized public sector properties and infrastructure assets owned by national, state and local governments for financial reporting, privatization, financing and other purposes. The International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) is a London based independent body that sets global standards for valuation, especially those that will be relied upon by investors, financiers, and other third party stakeholders.